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    3 days ago · 1979 – an Attempted coup in Iran, backed by the United States, to overthrow the interim government, which had come to power after the Iranian Revolution.

  2. 3 days ago · AD appears before or after a year (AD 106, 106 AD); BCE, CE, and BC always appear after (106 CE, 3700 BCE, 3700 BC). In general, omit CE or AD, except to avoid ambiguity or awkwardness. Typically, write The Norman Conquest took place in 1066 not 1066 CE or AD 1066.

  3. 2 days ago · The Iranian Revolution (Persian: انقلاب ایران, Enqelâb-e Irân [ʔeɴɢeˌlɒːbe ʔiːɾɒːn]), also known as the 1979 Revolution, or the Islamic Revolution (انقلاب اسلامی, Enqelâb-e Eslâmī), [4] was a series of events that culminated in the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty in 1979.

  4. 5 days ago · On September 22: Iraq massively invaded Iran, in the belief that Iran is too weak military to fight back. Iraq was claiming territories inhabited by Arabs (Southwestern oil-producing province of Iran called Khouzestan), as well as Iraq's right over Shatt el-Arab (Arvandroud).

  5. 3 days ago · 中越战争中国方面亦称 对越自卫反击战,越南方面則稱 越中邊界戰爭 (越南語: Chiến tranh biên giới Việt-Trung / 戰爭邊界越-),是指1979年2月17日至3月16日期間在 中華人民共和國 和 越南社會主義共和國 之間所发生的戰爭。 宏观原因为 中苏交恶 、苏联同越南尝试推动的亚洲集体安全体系、中越两国的领土争议、南海岛屿归属问题及中越边境冲突 [11][12],直接原因为 越南入侵柬埔寨 并推翻了 红色高棉政权。 [13][14][15][16][17][18] 中越战争亦是 冷战 時期 社会主义国家 间少有的直接热战。 中越战争期間中方攻入越南北部領土,宣佈取得了勝利並迅速撤军为终。

  6. 2 days ago · United Kingdom - Thatcher, Politics, Economy: In the subsequent election, in May 1979, the Conservatives under the leadership of Margaret Thatcher were swept into power with the largest electoral swing since 1945, securing a 43-seat majority.

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