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  1. More than 100 witnesses testified during the fourteen-week trial, which ended with the announcement of the verdict on December 11. Eichmann was convicted on 15 counts of crimes against the Jewish people, crimes against humanity, war crimes, and membership in a criminal organization.

  2. The Eichmann trial was the 1961 trial in Israel of major Holocaust perpetrator Adolf Eichmann who was captured in Argentina by Israeli agents and brought to Israel to stand trial. The capturing of Eichmann was criticized by the United Nations, calling it a "violation of the sovereignty of a Member State".

  3. May 2, 2019 · The man in the back seat was one of the world’s most notorious war criminals: Adolf Eichmann, a Nazi official who helped Germany carry out the mass murder of 6 million Jews during World War II....

  4. Jul 16, 2021 · Adolf Eichmann was a high-ranking Nazi German official and war criminal. During the Holocaust, he played a central role in the implementation of the “Final Solution.” Eichmann organized the deportation of more than 1.5 million Jews from all over Europe to ghettos, killing centers, and killing sites in German-occupied Poland and

  5. Adolf Eichmann was a key figure in implementing the “Final Solution,” the Nazi plan to kill Europe's Jews. Learn more through key dates and events.

  6. Obersturmbannführer. Adolf Eichmann was born in Solingen, Germany in 1906. In 1932 Eichmann joined the Nazi party and the SS.

  7. The trial of Adolf Eichmann, held in Jerusalem in 1961 and 1962, riveted the attention of the Israeli public and aroused great interest the world over. This was the first time that the Holocaust was presented to a competent judicial body in full detail, in all its stages and from all its aspects.

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