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  1. Egy másik előnye az Ajax használatának, hogy lehetővé teszi az adatokat szolgáltató- és az adatok megjelenítését végző programkód teljes elkülönítését. Bár erre az Ajax használata nélkül is léteznek megoldások. Az Ajax segítségével történő elkülönítés legkézenfekvőbb formái az alábbiak.

  2. Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism to safely bypass the Same-origin policy, that is, it allows a web page to access restricted resources from a server on a domain different than the domain that served the web page. A web page may freely embed cross-origin images, stylesheets, scripts, iframes, and videos.

  3. Oct 4, 2018 · As for using Ajax functions, there are a ton of possibilities. First off, a typical Ajax function will have the two following components. $.ajax(url [, settings]) The Ajax url parameter defines the URL for which you want to make a request to and the settings parameter is used to configure the

  4. ZK is an open-source Ajax Web application framework, written in Java, [3] [4] [5] that enables creation of graphical user interfaces for Web applications with little required programming knowledge. The core of ZK consists of an Ajax-based event-driven mechanism, over 123 XUL and 83 XHTML-based components, [6] and a mark-up language for ...

  5. › wiki › ICEfacesICEfaces - Wikipedia

    ICEfaces is designed to work with Java EE servers, encapsulating Ajax calls. ICEfaces is based on the JavaServer Faces standard, it extends some standard components supplemented with in-built Ajax. ICEfaces allows partial submits. It also provides "Ajax Push", a variant of Comet capability, that can update the DOM of a web page from the server ...

  6. Oct 2, 2009 · If you are totally new to AJAX (which stands for Asynchronous Javascript And XML), the AJAX entry on wikipedia is a good starting point: Like DHTML and LAMP, AJAX is not a technology in itself, but a group of technologies. AJAX uses a combination of: HTML and CSS for marking up and styling information.

  7. The Prototype JavaScript Framework is a JavaScript framework created by Sam Stephenson in February 2005 as part of Ajax support in Ruby on Rails. It is implemented as a single file of JavaScript code, usually named prototype.js .

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