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  1. Anna Karenina. Leo Tolstoy. Oxford University Press, 2016 - Fiction - 896 pages. Love... it means too much to me, far more than you can understand.At its simplest, Anna Karenina is a love story. It is a portrait of a beautiful and intelligent woman whose passionate love for a handsome officer sweeps aside all other ties - to her marriage and to ...

  2. Jun 14, 2019 · In one, Anna Karenina embarks on an affair with a passionate young cavalry officer. In the second, Anna’s sister-in-law Kitty initially rejects, then later embraces the advances of an awkward young man named Levin. The story opens in the home of Stepan "Stiva" Oblonsky, whose wife Dolly has discovered his infidelity.

  3. About Anna Karenina. The must-have Pevear and Volokhonsky translation of one of the greatest Russian novels ever written Described by William Faulkner as the best novel ever written and by Fyodor Dostoevsky as “flawless,” Anna Karenina tells of the doomed love affair between the sensuous and rebellious Anna and the dashing officer, Count Vronsky.

  4. Anna Karenina skildrar två historier jämsides [2] och flera mindre sidohistorier, utspelade i Ryska kejsardömet under 1870-talet.Furstinnan Anna Kareninas passionerade, destruktiva och utomäktenskapliga förhållande med Vronskij, och det efterföljande sammanbrottet av familjen Karenin som kulminerar i Anna Kareninas självmord, står i kontrast till den balanserade tillvaro aristokraten ...

  5. Jan 18, 2018 · Anna Karenina (2003 edition). Penguin Books/Goodreads. The first of the novel’s two major plot lines relates to the irresistible Anna, who “had not known family life”, being brought up by an ...

  6. Anna Kareninová, nebo také Anna Karenina ( rusky Анна Каренина) je román Lva Nikolajeviče Tolstého poprvé vydaný na pokračování v letech 1873 až 1877, tedy krátce po návratu z Evropy a svatbě s jeho ženou. V románu se proplétají dva hlavní příběhy: tragický, beznadějný osud Anny, jejího muže i milence a ...

  7. Foreshadowing A man dies at the train station when Anna first arrives, foreshadowing her own death at a train station years later; Vronsky’s actions cause the fall and death of his horse Frou-Frou, foreshadowing the later death of his beloved Anna. A list of important facts about Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina, including setting, climax ...

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