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  1. Braille is a system of touch reading and writing in which raised dots represent the letters of the alphabet and numbers, as well as music notes and symbols. Braille contains symbols for punctuation marks and provides a system of contractions and short‑form words to save space, making it an efficient method of tactile reading.

  2. Learning to read and write in braille can make a dramatic difference in the life of a visually impaired child or adult. Braille is an irreplaceable and modern method for literacy. When you first touch something written in braille, it will probably feel like a jumble of dots.

  3. A beginner's guide to braille, and learning the braille alphabet. The braille alphabet is used by people who are blind or visually impaired as a basis of the larger braille code for reading and writing.

  4. Braille enables people with blindness and visual impairments to read through touch. Though Louis Braille created the tactile reading and writing system we use today, he drew inspiration from a French army captain named Charles Barbier who developed a similar code.

  5. Sep 5, 2018 · Braille is a system of touch reading and writing for blind persons in which raised dots represent the letters of the alphabet. Braille also contains equivalents for punctuation marks and provides symbols to show letter groupings. Braille is read by moving the hand or hands from left to right along each line.

  6. What Is Braille? Braille is a simple dot pattern used to represent written language. Invented by a French schoolboy in the 1820s, braille is an optimisation of an earlier code used by the French army for sending messages under the cover of darkness. Each braille pattern (known as a braille cell) fits neatly under a human fingertip.

  7. Braille enables blind people to read with their fingertips using a system of six raised dots. Braille, as we know it today, was created in 1821 by a French school boy named Louis Braille when he was just eleven years old. Today, Braille is used all over the world in many languages.

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