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  1. › wiki › CaligulaCaligula – Wikipedie

    Malý Caligula, Římskogermánské muzeum, Kolín n. R. Gaius se narodil 31. srpna roku 12 nedaleko města Antium (dnešní Anzio) jako třetí ze šesti přeživších potomků Germanika a Agrippiny starší. [1] Kromě dvou starších bratrů, Nerona a Drusa, měl tři sestry, Agrippinu mladší, Drusillu a Julii Livillu. [2]

  2. Caligula was the third of five Julio-Claudian emperors who ruled Rome from 27 BCE – A.D. 68. In A.D. 41 he was assassinated in the royal palace by a conspiracy that included Cassius Chaerea, a member of Caligula’s guard. Towards the end of his life, sources say, Caligula began to grow increasingly erratic, corrupt, and tyrannical.

  3. Caligula had four wives, three of them during his reign as emperor, and he was said to have committed incest with each of his three sisters in turn. Accounts of Caligula’s erratic behavior on the streets of Rome abound, primarily chronicled by Suetonius and Cassius Dio, although some are deemed dubious.

  4. Dec 27, 2020 · Pie de foto, La historia que se ha contado de Calígula ha sido una de corrupción del poder absoluto, locura asesina y perversión sexual, pero la reputación del emperador romano es más ...

  5. Mar 2, 2020 · What made Caligula stand out was his outrageousness. He openly squired the wives of Roman senators. He gave his favorite horse a marble stall, an ivory manger, a jeweled collar, and even a house ...

  6. Oct 4, 2023 · In “Caligula: The Ultimate Cut,” absolute power corrupts absolutely, but even using absolutely all of the footage shot for the notorious production back in 1976 does not necessarily result in ...

  7. Gaius Cæsar Augustus Germanicus ( 31. august 12 – 24. / 25. januar 41 e.Kr.) er kendt som Caligula ( latin: "lille soldaterstøvle" diminutiv af caliga ). Han var romersk kejser . Han var søn af feltherren Germanicus kejser Tiberius ' populære nevø og Agrippina den Ældre ( Augustus ' barnebarn). Han voksede op i felten hos faderen, hvad ...

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