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  1. Nov 24, 2010 · The American years (1940–43) were probably the most important in the long exile experience of Carlo Sforza. Acting skillfully, Sforza managed to build a base of support and trust among American officials that enabled him in achieving many of his goals for Italy and for his own future.

  2. Carlo Sforza, Conte (kär´lō kōn´tā sfôr´tsä), 1872–1952, Italian foreign minister. He held high ministerial and diplomatic posts, became a senator, and as foreign minister (1920–21) negotiated the Treaty of Rapallo with Yugoslavia. Sforza opposed Mussolini and resigned as ambassador to Paris in 1922. Source for information on ...

  3. İşgal döneminde İstanbul’da görevli olan İtalyan komiser, Kont Carlo Sforza idi. (İngiltere’nin Amiral Calthorpe, Fransa’nın Amiral Amet idi) Daha önce yapılmış anlaşmalara rağmen, Paris Konferansı’nda Ege Bölgesi’nin işgalinin Yunanlılara verilmek istenmesi Kont Sforza’yı ve İtalya’yı fazlasıyla rahatsız etmişti.

  4. Jun 23, 2017 · di Carlo Sforza nel 1920-21. SOMMARIO: 1. Finalità della ricerca e fonti documentarie su cui è basata; 2. Carlo Sforza: l'uomo e il diplomatico; - 3. Formazione della personalità po- litica: l'adesione al pensiero di Mazzini e l'affinità di idee con Bissolati; il soggiorno a Corfù e l'amicizia per Pasic; l'Alto Commissariato a ...

  5. Diplomatic Europe since the treaty of Versailles. by Count Carlo Sforza ... New Haven, Pub. for the Institute of Politics by the Yale University Press; London, H. Milford, Oxford University Press, 1928. Institute of Politics publications.

  6. Apr 7, 2024 · member of the National Council of the Kingdom of Italy. 1 reference. educated at. University of Pisa. 1 reference. work location. Rome. 1 reference. member of political party.

  7. The Spirit of Revolution in 1789. A Study of Public Opinion as Revealed in Political Songs and Other Popular Literature at the Beginning of the French Revolution by Cornwell B. Rogers

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