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  1. Cooking Mama Limited - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Cobweb Cookies
    We have a system where our children can earn treats by tallying up enough weekly points for eating vegetables, tidying up etc. Baking with Mama is a favourite treat on the list as both my children have sweettooths and are seriously fussy eaters, so sweets in this house are limited. Veggies first! DD got some recipe cards "30 easy things to cook and eat" and this is one of the recipe that we have modified it to suit our tastes. I'm delighted to say that she was keen to do chores so that she could earn enough points to make these. 5 1/2 oz = 160g, 4 oz = 100g, 2 oz = 50g. You will also need a round cookie cutter ( or a clean jar lid) to make your cookies and cocktail sticks to make the decoration. You will also need additional flour for rolling out your dough.