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  1. 10 hours ago · Information and communication technologies (ICT) — Estonia’s educational system is highly technology-based, with programming, robotics, and virtual environments being used in the classroom.

  2. 10 hours ago · Am 28. September 1994 ist die Ostsee zum stillen Zeugen der größten Schiffskatastrophe der europäischen Nachkriegszeit geworden. Mehr als 850 Menschen sind damals beim verheerenden Untergang der Passagierfähre "Estonia" vor der Südküste von Finnland ums Leben gekommen. 30 Jahre ist dieses Unglück und noch immer sind nicht alle zentralen Fragen zu der Tragödie beantwortet, darunter die ...

  3. 10 hours ago · Pärnu, a picturesque seaside city in Estonia, has earned the affectionate nickname "the summer capital" among locals, and it's easy to see why. Nestled along the country's southwestern coast ...

  4. 10 hours ago · If you plan to travel to Estonia or want to learn the Estonian language, then this article is the perfect starting point. You’ll find some essential Estonian words and phrases here that are useful to know, no matter what your goal for learning Estonian might be.

  5. 10 hours ago · Charge d'affaires of Russia in Tallinn Lenar Salimullin confirmed that international organizations do not respond in any way to Moscow's calls to condemn or somehow assess the actions of official Tallinn. As reported today, September 22, RIA Novosti, we are talking about the exhumation of the ...

  6. 10 hours ago · Vor 30 Jahren sank die Ostsee-Fähre „Estonia“ auf ihrem Weg von Tallinn nach Stockholm. Das Ausmaß der Katastrophe macht noch immer sprachlos. Hinterbliebenen fehlt es bis heute an Antworten.

  7. 10 hours ago · Unfortunately, most real estate outside of larger cities is not considered eligible for loans by banks. On Saturday, in Uhtna, Lääne-Viru County, the government gave thanks to families who have decided to move from large cities to rural areas. A total of 24 families from 19 municipalities received the gift of special bread.

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