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  1. Location within Europe. The siege of Kiev by the Mongols took place between 28 November and 6 December 1240, and resulted in a Mongol victory. It was a heavy morale and military blow to the Principality of Galicia–Volhynia, which was forced to submit to Mongol suzerainty, and allowed Batu Khan to proceed westward into Central Europe.

  2. Evdochia de Kiev, deşi a murit de tânără, i-a dăruit domnitorului trei copii (Elena, Iliaş şi Bogdan) - care au murit cu toţii în timpul vieţii tatălui lor. MARIA DE MANGOP Această a doua soţie oficială era tot de neam nobil, aparţinând familiei imperiale a Comnenilor care au condus vreme de generaţii Imperiul Bizantin.

  3. Apr 11, 2015 · FOTO Portretul lui Alexandru (Ololko) Iagello, tatăl doamnei Evdochia (apud Damian P. Bogdan, Pomelnicul de la Bistriţa şi rudeniile de la Kiev şi de la Moscova ale lui Ştefan cel Mare) Mormântul Evdochiei de Kiev a fost descoperit abia recent, în urma unor cercetări întreprinse în perioada 1991-1998, la Mirăuţi, în judeţul ...

  4. Stephen's charter of grant to the Hilandar Monastery on Mount Athos refers to two children of Stephen and Evdochia, Alexandru and Olena. Olena was the wife of Ivan Molodoy, the eldest son of Ivan III, and mother of the usurped heir Dmitry. Stephen's second (or third) wife, Maria of Mangup, was of the family of the Princes of Theodoro.

  5. Nov 25, 2023 · Rusia lanza contra Kiev la mayor oleada de drones bomba de toda la guerra El ejército ruso dispara 75 aeronaves Shahed durante más de cuatro horas de alarma, la mayoría contra la capital ucrania

  6. 摩尔达维亚的斯蒂芬三世 ,最常被称为 斯蒂芬大帝 ( 罗马尼亚语 : ştefan cel Mare ; 发音: [ ˈ ʃ t e f a n tʃ e l ˈ m a r e ] ,但自 1992 年以来一直被尊为 圣斯蒂芬大帝 或称 圣史蒂芬大帝 (罗马尼亚语: ştefan cel Mare şi Sfânt: 他于 1504 年 7 月 2 日去世,1457 年 ...

  7. Elena was born in c. 1464–1466. Her parents were Stephen III ("the Great"), the sovereign prince of Moldavia, and his first (or second) wife Princess Evdochia of Kiev. [4] [5] Negotiations to marry her to Ivan Ivanovich ("the Young"), heir to the throne of Moscow, began in the late 1470s. [5] Elena married Ivan the Young on 12 January 1483 ...

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