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  1. Jan 17, 2024 · May (Maius) and June (Junius) were also named for goddesses Maia and Juno. April (Aprilis) is thought to stem from the Latin aperio, meaning “to open”—a reference to the opening buds of springtime. The rest of the months were numbered; their original names in Latin meant the fifth (Quintilis), sixth (Sextilis), seventh ( September ...

  2. On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization announced an official name for the disease that is causing the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak, first identified in Wuhan, China. The new name of this disease is coronavirus disease 2019, abbreviated as COVID-19.

  3. Dec 2, 2015 · The name Massachusetts was first recorded in Captain John Smith ‘s book, a Description of New England, which was published in 1616. In the book, Smith describes New England, which he visited on a scouting trip in 1614, and he specifically mentions the area of Massachusetts. Although Smith was the one who gave New England its name, it seems ...

  4. Jun 24, 2018 · For a long time, the origin of the name “Africa” has been a subject of dispute as many historians have not been able to come to an agreement on how the continent got its name. The word ...

  5. Sep 29, 2023 · Spotted dick is a citrus-flavored steamed pudding that is prepared with suet and dried currants. The color difference between the light cake and the dark dried fruit that speckles the surface of the cake makes it appear spotted — thus the name. Traditionally, the cake is served with a warm British custard (this is always a runny sauce, not ...

  6. Oct 15, 2019 · The modern name “earth” is believed to be at least 1,000 years old. Initially, the Anglo-Saxons elected to name the earth “erda.”. Anglo-Saxons were a people of Germanic origin who conquered and occupied Great Britain in the 5 th century. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Anglo-Saxon name “erda” has Germanic origins.

  7. Right? Waldseemüller labeled the part of the world that he envisioned as explored by Vespucci, America, feminizing the Latin form of Vespucci's given name, Americus. He chose the feminine form to be consistent with the Latinized names of other countries at the time, such as Europa and Asia. It was geographer Gerardus Mercator who extended the ...

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