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  1. Nov 26, 2009 · Hua Mulan disguises herself as a man to take the place of her sick father in a war against nomadic invaders. Notes. Based on the Chinese folktale of Lady General Mulan which was turned into several films, including Disney's "Mulan". Budget for "Mulan" totaled $12 million USD. Cast. Zhao Wei - Hua Mulan Jaycee Chan; Hu Jun; Kun Chen; Vitas ...

  2. Hua Mulan ( xinès tradicional: 花木蘭, xinès simplificat: 花木兰, pinyin: Huā Mùlán) és la protagonista d'una molt coneguda llegenda xinesa: va ser una dona que, disfressada de guerrer, es va unir a un exèrcit exclusivament masculí en el famós poema narratiu xinès Balada de Mulan. L'obra es va compondre al segle vi, durant la ...

  3. › wiki › MulanMulan - Wikipedia

    Pentru o eroină, vedeți Hua Mulan. Neînfricata Mulan sau Mulan este un film de animație din 1998 produs de Walt Disney Animation Studios, fiind al 36-lea film animat produs de Walt Disney Pictures. Face parte din perioada de succes masiv a Studiourilor de Animație Walt Disney, cunoscută ca Renașterea Disney.

  4. Her story was recounted in the Ballad of Mulan, a folksong in the Northern and Southern Dynasties (386–581). Nowadays, the Ballad of Mulan is a must-read article for all Chinese middle school students. The Story of Mulan. According to the Ballad of Mulan, Mulan was born in 412 AD during the Northern Wei Dynasty (386–534).

  5. Hua Mulan is a legendary Chinese heroine. Hua Mulan may also refer to: Lady General Hua Mu-lan, a 1964 Hong Kong film; Mulan, a 2009 Chinese film; Hua Mulan (1996 TV series), a 1996–1997 Chinese TV series; A Tough Side of a Lady, a 1998 Hong Kong TV series; Hua Mulan (1999 TV series), a 1999 Taiwanese TV series

  6. Ballad of Mulan. (木蘭辭) The Ballad of Mulan is the oldest known version of Mulan’s story. Most likely composed during the era of Northern Wei (around 400 AD), this one poem ended up inspiring countless retellings for centuries to come. The Balad most likely began as oral tradition, and was passed down for over a century until it was ...

  7. Hua Mulan (chinois simplifié : 花木兰 ; chinois traditionnel : 花木蘭 ; pinyin : Huā Mùlán ; Wade : Hua¹ Mu⁴-lan² ; EFEO : houa-mou-lan ; cantonais Jyutping : Faa¹ Muk⁶-laan⁴) est l'héroïne d'origine tabghache [1] d'une légende chinoise qui raconte comment une jeune fille se déguise en homme pour prendre la place de son ...

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