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  1. The Diplomacy of Isabella Jagiellon: The Struggle for Becoming a Political Subject In my paper I would like to focus on Isabella Jagiellon’s role in the relations of Kings Sigismund I and Sigismund August with Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, the Habsburg Monarchy and Transylvania. I examine the scope and character of the queen’s diplomacy,

  2. Recenzija, Prikaz slučaja. Book review of Máté, Ágnes and Oborni, Teréz (eds), Isabella Jagiellon, Queen of Hungary (1539-1559), (Budapest: Research Centre for the Humanities, 2020), ISBN: 978-963-416-214-8, 362pp.

  3. Mar 25, 2011 · 2.Isabella of Aragon - Born in 1478. Her male counterpart died at 19 from Tuberculosis apparently. My guess is that she would probably become the wife of Manuel I of Portugal given the Portuguese policy which was looking for a unified Iberia. Plus, two of the four OTL daughters of Isabella and Ferdinand wedded Manuel I (Isabella and Maria).

  4. Regina Isabella sau Isabella de Jagiello a fost soția regelui Ioan I Zápolya și mama principelui transilvănean Ioan Sigismund.

  5. Proceedings of the Isabella Jagiellon memorial conference, organized by Teréz Oborni and Ágnes Máté in 2019 for the 500th anniversary of the late Queen of Hungary's birth. (PDF) Isabella Jagiellon, Queen of Hungary | Ágnes Máté, Teréz Oborni, and Karolina Mroziewicz -

  6. The first English-language volume of the series discusses the life of Queen Isabella Jagiellon (1539-1559), wife of King John I Szapolyai. In 1539, Isabella, a princess whose Italian mother had prepared her for court life in the spirit of the Renaissance, arrived in Hungary. Perhaps recalling the example of her parents, King Sigismund I and Queen Bona of Poland, she may have hoped that her ...

  7. تاریخ/زمان بندانگشتی ابعاد کاربر توضیح; کنونی ‏۱۰ نوامبر ۲۰۱۲، ساعت ۱۱:۰۰: ۲٬۰۲۹ در ۳٬۱۷۴ (۵٫۱ مگابایت)

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