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  1. Julius Madritsch (4 August 1906 – 11 June 1984) was a Viennese Austrian businessman who helped to save the lives of Jews during the Holocaust. [1] Biography. In the spring of 1940 Madritsch came to Kraków to avoid enlistment in the German Wehrmacht.

  2. Julius Madritsch is a German factory owner who treats his Jewish prisoners humanely at the Płaszów concentration camp. He refuses to move his business to the new camp in Brinnlitz, but he is honored by former prisoners after the war.

  3. Mar 10, 2024 · Julius Madritsch was a textile producer and supervisor in Poland during World War II. He saved the lives of many Jewish employees by hiring them in his factories and protecting them from the German authorities. He was nominated by Yad Vashem as Righteous among the nations in 1964.

    • Kevin Prenger
  4. Madritsch, Julius Titsch, Raimund Vienna-born Julius Madritsch was an expe

  5. Julius Madritsch war ein Textilkaufmann, der als Treuhandverwalter jüdischer Konfektionsbetriebe in Krakau arbeitete. Er beschäftigte, schmuggelte und rettete viele Juden vor der Deportation und dem Tod, wurde 1964 von Yad Vashem als Gerechter unter den Völkern ausgezeichnet.

  6. Sep 13, 2024 · It is the story of a Viennese man who owned several textile factories in Krakow and Tamow during World War II. Besides Austrian and Polish employees, over 2,000 Cracow Jews were employed there. The number of Poles and Jews saved by Julius Madritsch came to almost 800.

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  8. Julius Madritsch arrived in Krakow after doing everything in his power not to be drafted into the German Army. Madritsch was a Viennese youth who was meant to join the army like anyone else his age, but he attempted to avoid serving Hitler’s ideology or Nazism in any way. At the end of 1940, he breathed easier as he successfully reached Krakow as

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