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  1. Apr 8, 2024 · Literatur. Karl Ernst von Baer: De ovi mammalium et hominis genesi.St. Petersburg 1827 (hier gibt Baer seine Ei-Entdeckung bekannt) Karl Ernst von Baer: Commentar zu der Schrift: De ovi mammalium et hominis genesi In: Heusinger's Zeitschrift für organische Physik Bd. 2, 1828, S. 125-193

  2. Apr 10, 2024 · Dr. Remak obtained his medical degree from Friedrich Wilhelm University in Berlin in 1838 specializing in neurology. He is best known for reducing Karl Ernst von Baer's four germ layers to three: the Ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. He also discovered unmyelinated nerve fibers and the nerve cells in the heart sometimes called Remak's ganglia.

  3. Apr 12, 2024 · Thus the recapitulation law, which had been built up independently from the observations and speculations on vertebrates by Lorenz Ofen (1779-1851), Johann Friedrich Meckel (1781-1833), St Hilaire, Karl Ernst von Baer (1;92-1876) and others, and had been applied (1842-1843) by Karl Vogt (1817-1895)

  4. Apr 12, 2024 · Die von Karl Ernst von Baer 1828 formulierte Baer-Regel ist ein Vorläufer der von Ernst Haeckel 1866 aufgestellten biogenetischen Grundregel. Von Baer erkannte bei Wirbeltieren, dass deren Embryonen verschiedener Arten immer schwerer zu unterscheiden sind je jünger sie angetroffen werden. Baer nannte dies das Gesetz der Embryonenähnlichkeit .

  5. Apr 2, 2024 · Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Nachrichten Uber Leben Und Schriften Des Herrn Geheimraths Dr. Karl Ernst Von Baer: Mitgetheilt Von Ihm Selbst, Veroffentlicht Bei Gelegenheit Seines Funfzigjahrigen Doctor-Jubilaums Am 29; August 1864 Von Der Ritterschaft Ehstlands by Karl Ernst Von Baer (Paperback / softback, 2015) at the best online prices at eBay!

  6. 5 days ago · Karl Ernst von Baer—founder of embryology and an all-around interesting early 19th-century scientist— confidently wrote in 1828 that “upright posture is only the consequence of the higher development of the brain.”

  7. Mar 23, 2024 · Karl Ernst von Baer, Wilhelm Roux In the 19th century, significant contributions to embryology were made by scientists such as who formulated the principles of embryonic development known as von Baer's laws, who conducted experimental embryology using techniques such as embryo manipulation and transplantation.

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