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  1. The Kuomintang (KMT, Chinese Nationalist Party) suppressed localism and barred Taiwanese from cosmopolitan life except in the spheres of science and technology. [1] The authoritarian KMT dominated public cultural space and Chinese nationalist networks became a part of cultural institutions, leaving little resource for cultural autonomy to grow.

  2. 中國國民黨 (英語: Kuomintang [1] [註 4] 或 Chinese Nationalist Party [2] , 縮寫 : KMT ),簡稱 國民黨 ,是 中華民國 主要 政黨 之一,是目前中華民國最大 在野黨 、 立法院 最大黨。. 前身為1894年11月24日成立於 夏威夷共和國 (今 美國 夏威夷州 ) 檀香山 的革命團 ...

  3. The Ma clique fought a series of military campaigns between 1917 and 1949 against unconquered Amchok and Ngolok (Golok) tribal Tibetan areas of Qinghai ( Amdo ), undertaken by two Hui commanders, Gen. Ma Qi and Gen. Ma Bufang, on behalf of the Beiyang and Kuomintang governments of the Republic of China. The campaigns lasted between 1917 and 1949.

  4. The Kuomintang Youth League ( Chinese: 中國國民黨青年團; pinyin: Zhōngguó Guómíndǎng Qīngniántuán ), also known as Young KMT, is a youth group under the Kuomintang. The Kuomintang Youth League was created in 2006 by Kuomintang chairman Ma Ying-jeou to help promote cultural and political awareness among Chinese youths.

  5. The February 28 incident (also called the February 28 massacre, [3] [4] the 228 incident, [5] or the 228 massacre) [5] was an anti-government uprising in Taiwan in 1947 that was violently suppressed by the Kuomintang –led nationalist government of the Republic of China (ROC). Directed by provincial governor Chen Yi and president Chiang Kai ...

  6. Kuomintang. Kuomintang eller Kinas nationale folkeparti ( Nationalistpartiet, KMT; 中國國民黨 Hanyu Pinyin: Zhōnggúo Gúomíndǎng) er et nationalistisk politisk parti, der nu er oppositionsparti i Republikken Kina (normalt omtalt som Taiwan) på øen Taiwan. Sammen med Folkets første parti udgør det en koalition kendt som den pan-blå ...

  7. The Kuomintang Chinese in Thailand are mainly Yunnanese Chinese descendants of Chinese Nationalist ( Kuomintang, KMT) soldiers who settled in the mountainous border region of Northern Thailand in the 1960s, having been pushed out of Southern China following the KMT's defeat in the Chinese Civil War in 1949 and later from northern Burma, where ...

  1. Searches related to Kuomintang wikipedia

    kuomintang wikipedia indonesia