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  1. › life-and-legacy › the-man-himselfLyndon B. Johnson - LBJ Library

    Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson visits President John F. Kennedy in the Oval Office, Sept. 17, 1963. Just 10 weeks later, LBJ unexpectedly would become president.

  2. Dec 2, 2018 · BIOGRAPHIES OF LYDON B. JOHNSON. Lyndon Johnson Biography by Kent Germany. LBJ Biography by Editors. Search all documents. July 15, 1960. Address of Senator Lyndon B. Johnson Accepting the Democratic Party Nomination for the Vice Presidency of the United States...

  3. The man who had risen from the poor Hill Country of Texas to become the acknowledged leader of the United States Senate and occupant of the Oval Office would return to Texas demoralized and discredited. He died four years later, a few hundred feet from the place of his birth.

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