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  1. Marcel Duchamp, Francis Picabia a Beatrice Wood v New Yorku, 1917. V letech 1924 – 1934 hodně cestoval a hrál šachové turnaje. Roku 1934 publikoval limitovanou sérii Zelených krabic, obsahujících kopie jeho skic a poznámek. O dva roky později se zúčastnil Mezinárodní surrealistické výstavy v Londýně a výstavy v Muzeu ...

  2. In 1912, at the age of twenty-five, Marcel Duchamp made a momentous decision. Only about a year after catching the attention of the public as a Cubist painter, he abandoned the craft of oil painting and vowed to remain free of all organized artists’ groups. He declared his independence in order to push beyond cultural conventions, becoming ...

  3. Marcel Duchamp is widely considered to be one of the most important European artists of the twentieth century. He is known primarily for his invention of the “readymade” in 1915, in which an everyday object is proposed as a work of art. Duchamp notoriously withdrew from exhibiting and selling his artworks in the traditional circuits of the ...

  4. Marcel Duchamp rengeteg művészeti műfajban dolgozott többek között installációkat is készített. Egyfelől anyagiság, materializmus, másfelől a leg absztraktabb transzcendens gondolkodás jellemzi. Humor, irónia, paradoxonok, dekoncentráltság ez mind jellemző művészetére.

  5. Jan 18, 2019 · With the biggest Marcel Duchamp survey ever held in Asia now on view at the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art Korea in Seoul, this week we turn back to the December 1968 issue of ...

  6. Marcel Duchamp. Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968) was one of the most influential artists of the modern era. He changed the way we think about art. Duchamp’s work—which includes paintings, sculptures, prints, and readymades—represents a legacy that informs our understanding of the development of modern and contemporary art.

  7. To make In Advance of the Broken Arm, Marcel Duchamp selected a snow shovel, hung it from the ceiling of his studio, and called it art.His Readymades—mass-produced, functional objects he designated as art—challenged many accepted assumptions and traditions, namely that art should reflect an artist’s skills, or even be handcrafted by the artist.

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