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  1. › wiki › RagtimeRagtime – Wikipedie

    Ragtime (odvozeno od anglického to rag – roztrhat, rozervat) je osobitý a specifický způsob klavírní hry, který je považován za poslední mezistupeň mezi tradiční černošskou lidovou hudbou a jazzem. Začal se formovat koncem 19. století ( 1885 ), kdy se také nazýval dobovým pojmem cake-walk nebo coon-song . Základní ...

  2. O ragtime (também ragged-time) é um gênero musical norte-americano que teve seu pico de popularidade entre os anos 1897 e 1918. Tal gênero tem tido vários períodos de renascimento, ainda hoje são produzidas composições. O ritmo foi o primeiro gênero musical autêntico norte-americano. [ 1] Começou como música de dança com cunho ...

  3. 拉格泰姆(英語: Ragtime )也稱為散拍( rag-time )、繁音拍子 ,是一種原始的音樂風格,1897年至1918年間十分普及。 其主要特點是 切分音 ,“衣衫襤褸”的節奏 [2] 。

  4. The 1902 arrangement was a short ragtime folk ballet suitable for stage performance, complete with narration and choreography. The narrator recounts a "dark town" ball that took place at 9 p.m. on a Thursday night and included a cakewalk. The choreography is for four couples.

  5. Irving Berlin. " Alexander's Ragtime Band " is a Tin Pan Alley song by American composer Irving Berlin released in 1911; it is often inaccurately cited as his first global hit. [a] [5] Despite its title, the song is a march as opposed to a rag and contains little syncopation. [6] The song is a narrative sequel to Berlin's earlier 1910 ...

  6. Joseph Francis Lamb (December 6, 1887 – September 3, 1960) was an American composer of ragtime music. Lamb, of Irish descent, was the only non- African American of the "Big Three" composers of classical ragtime, the other two being Scott Joplin and James Scott. The ragtime of Joseph Lamb ranges from standard popular fare to complex and highly ...

  7. Mar 18, 2023 · ragtime ( countable and uncountable, plural ragtimes) ( music, uncountable) A musical form having a rhythm characterized by strong syncopation in the melody with a regularly accented accompaniment. ( music, countable) A piece of music in this style.

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