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  1. Jan Zandee interprets Sabaoth's role as the opposite of Ialdabaoth. The psychics can choose between both; Ialdabaoth representing evil and Sabaoth representing good. Sabaoth becomes the current ruler of the world and thus fulfills the role of the God of Israel.

  2. His teachings, synthesized in a gospel called Book of Baruch, were a highly syncretic gnostic current that mixed Jewish Christianity with classical mythology. [2] They are considered one of the first transitions between Jewish monotheism and full-blown gnosticism., [3] [4] although they differ substantially from Sethian and Valentian beliefs.

  3. Sethianism: Luminary: Dominions (type) Kyriotetes Christianity, Judaism (type) Governors of the movements of celestial bodies [4] Dumah: Islam, Judaism Silence, the stillness of death, the wicked dead Eleleth: Sethianism Luminary Etinsib Ziwa: Mandaeism: Uthra Starts battle against Nbaṭ: Gabriel: Jibreel (Arabic), sometimes Melek Taus

  4. Jan 6, 2024 · Gnostic resources for early Christian studies. Paradise Reconsidered in Gnostic Mythmaking: rethinking Sethianism in light of the Ophite evidence by Tuomas Rasimus This book offers a new understanding of Sethianism and the origins of Gnosticism by examining the mythology in and social reality behind a group of texts to which certain leaders of the early church occasionally attached the label ...

  5. Like the Christian school of Valentinus (120-160 CE) and his followers - which it seems to antedate - Sethianism not only allied itself with the early Christian movement, but was also vitally indebted to the (Middle) Platonism of the first three centuries, even to the point that several of its theological treatises became the subject of ...

  6. My understanding is that Sethian Gnosticism is and was primarily an Egyptian and Syrian practice. As the Oral Tradition in Syria goes it was the Followers of Set that merged their ancient Egyptian religion with Neoplatonic thought and Christianity to escape the persecution of the pagans as the last remaining drifters and wanderers of the lost Ancient Egyptian Empire in hopes that again one day ...

  7. Adamas Adversus Haereses Aeon of Barbelo Allogenes Apocalypse of Adam Apocryphon of John Archons Autogenes baptism baptismal rite Barbelo Barbelo Aeon Barbeloite Bruce Codex Christ Christian Codex creator demiurge descent divine doctrine E. J. Brill earthly Egyptians Eleleth enlightenment Epinoia Eugnostos evil Father feminine figure Five Seals ...

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