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  1. Strand Releasing is a leading U.S. distributor of foreign language, American independent, and documentary films in theaters, on DVD/Blu-Ray and via Video-On-Demand.

  2. Strand Releasing was formed in 1989 and its goal has been to fuse quality art films with commercial product. Strand Releasing was honored with a ten year retrospective at the New York...

  3. Strand Releasing is an American film production company founded in 1989 and is based in Culver City, California.

  4. The Doom Generation. USA | Gregg Araki.

  5. The 4K restoration of Gregg Arakis Nowhere is a stylized foray into the nightmare world of adolescent highs and lows, but more than that, it functions as a study of an entire generation and the direction they’re headed.

  6. Founded in 1989, Strand Releasing is one of the leading U.S. distributors of foreign language, American independent, and documentary films in the U.S. in theaters, on DVD/Blu-Ray and via Video-On-Demand.

  7. Dec 11, 2019 · Longevity distinguishes American art-house institution Strand Releasing from countless other independent film distributors that have fallen by the wayside since its inception in 1989.

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