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  1. 2000- USS Cole Attacked. 2000-Hilary Clinton Elected to Senate. 2000-George W Bush Elected President. 2001- Large Tax Cut Passed. 2001. 2001-9/11Attack on New York and Washington. 2001-U.S. and Great Britain Attack Afghanistan. 2001- Anthrax Attacks U.S. 2001-Enron Bankruptcy.

  2. We are now, already, two decades deep into the 21st century. In the past 20 years, Earth-shaking, mind-bending, being-altering changes have upended the way we live and work. We eat differently. We play differently. We communicate differently. We, in many, many ways, simply are different from how we were in the last days of the late 20th century.

  3. This timeline of antisemitism chronicles the facts of antisemitism, hostile actions or discrimination against Jews as a religious or ethnic group, in the 21st century.It includes events in the history of antisemitic thought, actions taken to combat or relieve the effects of antisemitism, and events that affected the prevalence of antisemitism in later years.

  4. Feb 1, 2019 · America Responds to 9/11. • Sept. 11, 2001: Terrorists hijack four U.S. planes, crashing two into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in lower Manhattan, while a third hits the U.S ...

  5. 2011. Protests begin in Jordan, causing King Abdullah to form a new cabinet on February 1 with the brief to introduce reform and steps towards democracy. Go to Abdullah II bin Al Hussein (b. 30 Jan. 1962) in A Dictionary of Contemporary World History (3 ed.)

  6. They all have one thing in common though – they made history, and they all have left their mark on 21st century America . September 11th Attacks *Sept 11th 2001 On a sunny day in September 11th, 2001 an extraordinary event took place on American soil, 19 Al Qaeda members hijacked four American commercial passenger jet airliners.

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