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  1. May 10, 2021 · By Hope Campbell / May 10, 2021 2:46 pm EST. You've heard the saying "a dream come true" for most of your life but have never actually taken it literally. It typically has a figurative meaning and refers to something you've wanted in your fantasies but never really believed could become a reality.

    • Hope Campbell
    • You Are Deeply Connected to The Human Spirit
    • You Are Missing An Important Message
    • You Need to Remember Who You Truly Are
    • You Are More Powerful Than You Think
    • Your Mood Will Be More Regulated
    • You Need to Say Goodbye to Someone You Haven’T Let Go of
    • You Are Better Able to Fully Accept Who You Are
    • Nothing Is Permanent Or Predictable
    • You Act to Make Them True

    Did you ever have a dream where a specific character frequently appears? It might be one of Jung’s fundamental dream archetypes. Perhaps it was a reclusive, old, witch-like woman who visited you in a forest, a loving, nurturing, great mother who blanketed you in a sense of warmth and love, or a regal, ruling father-like figure who appeared in a cri...

    Does something very specific stand out in your dream? Do you see that signal appear when you are awake? There are hundreds of thousands of cues and points of information that our unconscious mind and sensory system acquire every day. Your conscious mind has to act very quickly to respond to any signs or signals that are deemed significant for our s...

    Do your dreams ever show you something about yourself that you know but don’t want to admit? Your dreams might be coming true because there is something about yourself that you need to remember. Your subconscious wants to reveal a quality of your essence to your conscious level of thinking. Personally, I don’t dream very much. When I did dream, whi...

    Have you ever taken control of a dream? If you can get into the state where you know you are dreaming, you can also experience an unusually lucid dream. In this space, you change the experience of your dreams according to your will and desire. By actively playing out different scenarios in this subconscious space, your dreams can empower you to fee...

    Perhaps you even experienced some of your worst fears coming true? Your dreams may have helped to prime you for such events so that you weren’t taken so off guard in reality. If you are dreaming regularly and sleeping deeply, you can face these difficult aspects with more compassion, love, resilience, and courage. If you’re dreaming regularly and y...

    Have you ever dreamed or felt the presence of someone who has passed on from this life? According to Jung, this is quite natural and an insightful experience. Your dreams can be a space where you say goodbye to people that you haven’t had a chance to let go of subconsciously. These dreams can be heartfelt and welcomed encounters, or they can be rat...

    Your dreamscan be a place where you look at your deepest, most secret thoughts. You know, the ones that you would never dare to say out loud, even to yourself. Having these types of dreams may help you to express buried feelings involving violence and pain or of a deep desire and need. Your dreams can help you to understand that you are not your th...

    Even if it feels like your dreams keep coming true, there is something to learn from also noticing that the majority of your dreams that you have had throughout your life don’t manifest. This can be an important reminder that life is inherently wild and unpredictable. The more you can accept the randomness of your dreams, without getting caught up ...

    Your dreams can reveal a great deal about your inner state. They might seem particularly predictive because they may involve situations that you haven’t thought about in your waking state. You might dream of something one day, and then dismiss it, only to have the exact scenario occur a few weeks later. Looking closer at the science of predictive d...

  2. Nov 5, 2021 · Sometimes, dreams come true or tell of a future event. When you have a dream that plays out in real life, experts say it’s most likely due to: Coincidence; Bad memory

    • Hedy Marks
  3. Feb 5, 2018 · This can happen because the dream may be considered a reflection of the most likely outcome, which becomes very life-like and powerful in the dream state. The power of dreams, however, only applies to outcomes that can be at least partially controlled by a person who knew of the dream. However, some dreams come true without any intervention or ...

  4. Apr 20, 2016 · Contrary to the rationalist hooey that dreams aren’t real (“You’re just dreaming”), dreams are very much real. They convey real information, real impact, real emotions, and have real ...

    • Gregg Levoy
  5. Jun 30, 2020 · Dreams that predict the future — could they be real? The short answer: Who knows? Scientific research offers several more likely explanations, but experts still don’t fully understand the role ...

  6. Mar 10, 2021 · When our dreams are big, we’re telling the folks who know us that they don’t have to be small either. When our dreams come true, we’re expanding the worlds of others because now they know theirs can too. We must dream and dream boldly and unapologetically. Have the audacity to dream and ask.

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