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  1. A Clockwork Orange takes place in a futuristic city governed by a repressive, totalitarian super-State. In this society, ordinary citizens have fallen into a passive stupor of complacency, blind to the insidious growth of a rampant, violent youth culture.

  2. Apr 17, 1995 · misspent youth, government corruption and anti-government groups of often dubious motives existed at the time Burgess wrote this book and they still exist today; they are timeless things. As such, this book is anything but dystopian; it's uncomfortably contemporary.

  3. Aug 29, 2011 · In Anthony Burgess’s influential nightmare vision of the future, where the criminals take over after dark, the story is told by the central character, Alex, a teen who talks in a fantastically inventive slang that evocatively renders his and his friends’ intense reaction against their society.

  4. In Anthony Burgess's nightmare vision of the future, where the criminals take over after dark, the story is told by the central character, Alex, who talks in a brutal invented slang that...

  5. A Clockwork Orange, published in 1962, is a dystopian novel by British author Anthony Burgess that explores the nature of evil and the limits of free will. The novel is narrated by Alex, a young man who leads a gang of “droogs” and takes pleasure in “ultra-violence.”

  6. One of Esquire's 50 Best Sci-Fi Books of All Time “A brilliant novel.… [A] savage satire on the distortions of the single and collective minds.”— New York Times , A Clockwork Orange, Anthony Burgess, 9780393341768

  7. May 21, 2019 · The story is told from the perspective of Alex, our protagonist. The theme is simple enough: is it better for a man to be bad than to be made good forcefully? And to this, Burgess replies yes. The person must himself realize his faults. He must be an orange, capable of coherent thought and decisions, not a clockwork, made to be better by force.

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