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  1. 17 hours ago · Final Fantasy VII is a 1997 role-playing video game developed by Square for the PlayStation console and the seventh main installment in the Final Fantasy series. Square published the game in Japan, and it was released in other regions by Sony Computer Entertainment, becoming the first game in the main series to have a PAL release.

  2. 17 hours ago · · mecha Mecha in Japanese basically means mechanical things; everything from an electric whisk or a car to a spaceship or a robot. Here however we limit it to the more exotic things usually referred to as mecha anime: robots, whether controlled by a human or not, and their ilk.

  3. 17 hours ago · Siren Head vs. Slender Man vs. Humans; Diary of a Dementor; Chainsaw man: Powered; Time has left us; The Corruption; Upside Down Town; When the cucumbers attack

  4. 17 hours ago · The Morning Report — 4/19/24. Good morning, kids. Were it not for the fact that Israel evidently launched what it describes as "limited" yet by most reports pretty sharp retaliatory strikes on Iran – that is directly and overtly on Iranian territory by IDF assets, not merely suspected covert Mossad assassinations or sabotage – you would not know (if you weren't reading this editorial ...

  5. 17 hours ago · Izbor za domačo in tujo popevko tedna na Valu 202 poteka ob petkih. Poslušalci izbirajo med 3 domačimi in 3 tujimi predlogi, za katere glasujejo v spletni anketi in po telefonu, pri čemer ima večjo težo telefonsko glasovanje (zmagovalec spletnega glasovanja prejme 5 točk, drugouvrščeni 3, tretjeuvrščeni pa 1 točko, medtem ko pri telefonskem glasovanju šteje vsak glas posebej).

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