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  1. May 1, 2023 · PREA Report. This report, posted on May 1, 2023, as required per 28 CFR §115.403, details the findings of an audit that was conducted by an outside contractor to determine the Federal Bureau of Prisons?

  2. Injured six in the mall before committing four armed kidnappings. Transferred out of ADX for a short period of time, but returned in May 2023. Kevin M. Bellinger 03532-007: Serving a life sentence. Transferred to ADX after he and a co-defendant, Patrick Andrews, murdered inmate Jesse Harris at USP Hazelton in October 2007. After a long and ...

  3. Hoa Kỳ Ân xá, Hành chính cơ sở tối đa (ADX) là một nhà tù supermax prison liên bang Mỹ cho tù nhân nam nằm ở Fremont County, Colorado. [1] [2] Những tên gọi không chính thức là ADX Florence, Florence Admax, Supermax, hoặc Alcatraz của Rockies. [3]

  4. ADX Florence sijaitsee Florencen kaupungin lähistöllä Coloradon osavaltiossa, ja sitä ympäröivät lukuisat vartiotornit ja 3,7 metrin korkuinen piikkilanka-aita. Vankila on jaettu kuuteen turvavyöhykkeeseen, jotka on suunniteltu siten, että yksi ainoa vanginvartija kykenee valvomaan samanaikaisesti useita eri vankisellejä.

  5. ADX Florence har nogle af USA's farligste kriminelle, som tilbringer 22-23 timer i deres celle, døgnet rundt. Uofficielt er fængslet kendt som, ADX Supermax Florence, Florence ADMAX, Supermax eller Alcatraz of the Rockies. Fængslet blev etableret i 1994 og har plads til 490 indsatte.

  6. Jul 17, 2024 · News The Most Infamous Criminals at ADX Florence, Colorado. America’s highest-security federal prison, ADX, is home to some of the world’s most notorious criminals, including Mexican drug kingpin “El Chapo,” shoe bomber Richard Reid, and Boston Marathon bomber Dzhokhar Tsarnaev.

  7. ADX Florence je vězení v americkém Coloradu pro doživotně odsouzené bez možnosti propuštění. Vězení má nejvyšší možnou ostrahu. Vězení má nejvyšší možnou ostrahu. Jsou zde nejtěžší zločinci, například několikanásobní vrazi, šéfové gangů a federální zločinci.

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