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  1. Join the community of moral philosophers and share your dilemmas. Find out if you were wrong or right in an argument. Vote and comment on others' posts.

  2. AITA for saying “you should’ve thought about that before you procreated”? Not the A-hole. My ex and I have a 13 year old daughter, “Nicole”. Nicole has several medical conditions that require a lot of attention. She will need some sort of in home assistance for the rest of her life.

  3. Around three months ago my sister called me at work (using my work phone) and told me she needed me and could I please come to her. I hung up the phone and continued about my day. It was several hours later that I got a message from my parents saying I needed to be with my sister.

  4. My brother has 50/50 custody with his ex-wife over my nephew (3). My brother makes more money than his ex, so even though they have my nephew the same amount of time, he still has to pay her $100 a month. My brother will not shut the fuck up about this. He complains about it constantly.

  5. I (25M) am recently engaged to my lovely fiancee (25F). We have been together for 4 years. We have started general wedding planning. Her family is much bigger than mine and she wants more of a "party" type wedding, with lots of music and dancing.

  6. My husband and I wanna thank everyone for the overwhelming amount of support and love! We have updates. To people asking where my mom is in all of this. She’s now supportive of my husband & I’s relationship. She agrees that I gave aunt & uncle a chance to apologize and they didn’t.

  7. Her "perfecting the recipe" ended up with this result: mac and cheese combined with salmon, kimchi, pineapple, seaweed salad, collard greens, onions, and garlic. I don't have a problem with the greens or onion, but the rest tastes so disgustingly wrong with mac and cheese. However, the reason why I think I might have been an asshole is because ...

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