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  1. Jan 8, 2023 · Opening hours The ALBERTINA Museum, Vienna Daily | 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday & Friday | 10 am to 9 pm. Tickets are available on site at the ticket desks during museum opening hours or in our webshop. The ticket is valid for all exhibitions of the museum that are accessible on the day of your visit. Audioguide EUR 3 | At the museum & online

  2. Múzeum ALBERTINA. Múzeum ALBERTINA v srdci Viedne v sebe spája atmosféru cisárskej doby s vrcholným umením. Táto prepychová budova, ktorá v časoch Habsburgovcov slúžila ako palácové sídlo a dnes funguje ako medzinárodne uznávané múzeum umenia, priťahuje návštevníkov mesta aj turistov cestujúcich za kultúrou z celého sveta.

  3. Jun 18, 2017 · To set the tone for the upcoming commemorative year of 2018, the ALBERTINA Museum is mounting a comprehensive exhibition of artworks by Egon Schiele that positions his radical oeuvre within an epoch characterized by a schism between the modernist and the traditional. 160 of Schiele’s most magnificent gouaches and drawings will introduce viewers to an artistic oeuvre that highlights human ...

  4. The combined ticket “ALBERTINA MUSEUM, ALBERTINA MODERN & ALBERTINA KLOSTERNEUBURG” entitles the bearer to be admitted to the ALBERTINA MUSEUM, the ALBERTINA MODERN & the ALBERTINA KLOSTERNEUBURG one time each. The three locations can be visited on different days within a year. Tickets are valid for one year beginning on the date of purchase.

  5. Drawings & Prints. The Graphic Art Collection of the ALBERTINA Museum offers a truly panoramic survey of art: founded in 1776 by Duke Albert of Saxe-Teschen, this collection now contains over one million drawings and prints from the late Gothic to the present.

  6. Aug 18, 2024 · A Must-Visit for Art-Lovers. Is it an art museum inside a palace? Or a palace inside an art museum? Hardly any other place in Vienna combines historical charm and cultural experiences like ALBERTINA museum.

  7. FESTMÉNYEK – MONET-TŐL PICASSÓIG. Az ALBERTINA Monet-től Picassóig - A Batliner-gyűjtemény (Monet bis Picasso.Die Sammlung Batliner) című látványos gyűjteményében, amelynek legjava a nemzetközi Modern klasszikusok egyik legjelentősebb európai gyűjteménye, folyamatosan egy Bécsben és Ausztriában is egyedülálló áttekintést nyújt mintegy 150 év ...

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