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  1. The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation makes grants through its various grantmaking programs. Grant applications are made to a particular program. Interested applicants should read carefully through the Foundation's program descriptions in the Programs section of the website.

  2. Read more about Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is a not-for-profit foundation that funds research and education in science, technology, engineering, mathematics and economics.

  3. Support for basic scientific research lies at the core of the foundation’s mission. Alfred P. Sloan Jr. felt strongly that future increases in human welfare would be driven by an increased understanding and mastery of the natural world and that it was thus important to support those scientific pioneers who are expanding the frontiers of human knowledge.

  4. The Foundation has established a nationwide strategy that focuses on books, theater, film, television, radio, and new media to commission, develop, produce, and distribute new work mainstreaming science and technology for the lay public.

  5. The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation is a philanthropic non-profit organization established by Sloan in 1934. The foundation's programs and interests fall into the areas of science and technology, standard of living, economic performance, and education and careers in science and technology.

  6. Through the Foundation’s University Centers for Exemplary Mentoring, Sloan Centers for Systemic Change, and Sloan Indigenous Graduate Partnership, we seek to empower STEM departmental leadership, faculty, and staff in doing just that. Support innovative efforts to increase diversity in the STEM professoriate.

  7. This grant supports Film Independent (FIND) to host the 2025 Sloan Film Summit, a convening of all Alfred P. Sloan Foundation film and media-related grantees held every three years, from film schools to film festivals and from film development and film distribution partners to theater, gaming, and social media partners.

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