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  1. Aluminum Foil Turkey Cooking - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Shirley's Sausage Stuffing
    My mom made the BEST stuffing, which always made our holiday dinners complete. Here is her recipe, and mine as well. There is enough stuffing in this recipe to stuff up to a 25 pound bird, and still have some left over to bake in a casserole dish or aluminum foil, the last hour of cooking, so that you have plenty for everyone. Great to use for leftovers along with some sliced turkey and cranberry sauce, for a DELICIOUS sandwich... Enjoy!
    Thick As a Brick...... Panini
    The main reason for posting this recipe is that I want to share this cooking method for Panini with you. This easy trick will give you a perfect Panini as an end result and you don’t have to have a special grill…..just a brick wrapped in aluminum foil!!! Use this or your own favorite Panini recipe, mix and match ingredients or use whatever you have at hand.