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  1. Antifa has its roots in Germany, where the Communist Party formed Antifaschistische Aktion (“Antifascist Action,” sometimes abbreviated as antifa) in 1932 as a response to fascism and the rising Nazi Party. The group engaged in direct action against the Nazis, including street brawls.

  2. Apr 7, 2024 · antifa, a broad and decentralized political movement comprising individuals and groups who believe that fascism continues to pose a unique threat to democratic and peaceful societies and must be combatted through extraordinary, radical, and, in some cases, violent and illegal means.

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  4. 安提法(Antifa)可能是指: 著作 [ 编辑 ] 安提法:反法西斯主义手册 ( 英语 : Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook ) ,2017年歷史學家馬克·布雷出版的書

  5. Jul 2, 2020 · Antifa stands for “anti-fascist.” It’s a broad, loosely affiliated coalition of left-wing activists that’s been around for decades, but has had a resurgence since the election of President...

    • What Does It Fight for?
    • What Are Its Tactics?
    • A Movement, Not A Structured Group

    Anti-fascist movements can be traced back at least to the 1920s and 1930s. Today, the ideological collective known as antifa evokes the historical struggles of the 20th century against fascists in Italy and Nazi Germany to explain its 21st-century existence. Antifa believe if anti-fascists had mobilised and crushed fascism before it took root in Eu...

    Antifa understands how to effectively use technology to further its cause. It enjoys a tech-savvy generation of followers. Its use of political intelligence and social networks is advanced for an issue-motivated group. Antifa effectively uses social media to organise protests and counter-protests. But it also possesses political intelligence-gather...

    A distinct feature of antifa is its lack of a structured organisation and leadership. It operates on a loose collective, similar to the online activists Anonymous. Both Anonymous and antifa are driven by a reaction to specific social, economic or political action that is in contrast to their ideological outlook. Antifa followers come together for a...

  6. 反法西斯主义行动 (英国) (英语:Anti-Fascist Action) ,英国的反法西斯主义政治团体. 反法西斯主义行动 (瑞典) (英语:Antifascistisk Aktion) ,瑞典的反法西斯主义政治团体. 广泛性运动和意识形态 [ 编辑] 反法西斯主义 ,起源于1930年代至二战期间,反对法西斯主义的政治思想. 反法西斯主义运动 (德国) (英语:Antifa (Germany)) ,德国极左派的政治运动. 反法西斯主义运动 (美国) ,美国左派的政治运动. 另见 [ 编辑] 粉红安提法 (英语:Rosa Antifa) 玫瑰之都安提法 (英语:Rose City Antifa) 分类 : . 拉丁字母缩写消歧义. 政治消歧义. 六字拉丁字母消歧义.

  7. Jun 8, 2020 · Antifa’s origin story begins in the 1930s, in two European countries: Germany and the United Kingdom. ... The Chinese backlash over Netflix’s 3 Body Problem, explained ;

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