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  1. Jun 22, 2023 · The versions of the Apple logo design. In today's culture, the Apple logo represents all that is cutting-edge, trustworthy, and fashionable. The logo is a fantastic symbol of Apple's commitment to innovation because it changes as the company does.

  2. Aug 9, 2022 · The Apple Logo: History, Meaning, and Design Influences. August 9, 2022. Apples logo is one of the most iconic symbols in the world. As with any famous logo, its origin has been subject to all sorts of anecdotes, from the romantic tale of Allan Turing, an artificial intelligence pioneer who committed suicide by biting a poisoned apple, to ...

  3. Feb 17, 2023 · From the original image of Isaac Newton sitting under an apple tree to the sleek and modern design, the logo has evolved to represent Apple's values, products and ambitions. Each design change has been carefully crafted to move with the times and complement the company's brand image.

  4. May 9, 2023 · What is the meaning behind the Apple logo? The apple signifies knowledge and the company’s unique approach to design and technology. It’s associated with Apples high-quality products and is a marker of the brand’s ethos of simple sophistication. When was the Apple logo created? The first Apple logo was created in 1976.

  5. Mar 29, 2022 · William Gallagher | Mar 29, 2022. 6. Facebook. Reddit. From its very first beginnings as an over-elaborate illustration, to its familiar and distinctive shape today, Apple's logo has...

  6. Jan 28, 2023 · Telling the story of Rob Janoff and Regis Mckenna's 1977 logo design for Apple Computers. Logo Histories unlocks the stories of the world's best logo designs.

  7. Oct 4, 2022 · 2007-2015. 2015-Present. 1976. Despite representing the name Apple, the company’s first logo did not show or describe the physical shape of an apple. Ronald Wayne, one of Apples co-founders, created the first logo. He wanted the company’s symbol to represent the law of gravity, inspired by the falling apple.

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