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  1. of the classification’s use, as well as an outline of the historical background to the classification. This material is presented as a separate volume, for ease of handling when reference needs to be made at the same time to the classification (Volume 1) and the instructions for its use. Detailed instructions on the use of

  2. ›

    Learn about the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and its applications in health care, research, and statistics in this official WHO publication.

  3. Jan 31, 2016 · International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems, ICD-10 Volume 2. 31 January 2016.

  4. May 31, 1999 · The document contains general guidelines for the use of ICD-10 codes and a comprehensive list of ICD-10 codes which are relevant for notification of occupational diseases. The list enables one to select, for each country, a selection of occupational disease entities that are the most relevant when building a notification system for that country.

  5. the classification of mental and behavioural disorders in ICD-10 and to the development of the texts that accompany it. The field trials of the ICD-10 proposals, for example, involved researchers and clinicians in some 40 countries; it is clearly impossible to present a complete list of all those who participated in this effort.

  6. icd.who.intICD-11

    ICD-11 International Classification of Diseases 11th Revision The global standard for diagnostic health information

  7. 10 ICD-10 è formata da tre volumi: Volume 1 Elenco Sistematico, Volume 2 Manuale di istruzioni, Volume 3 Indice alfabetico. 11 Classification Markup Language (ClaML) è un formato XML di dati sviluppato appositamente per lo scambio delle classificazioni sanitarie. La specifica ClaML è stata pubblicata come technical specification CEN/TS 14463 ...

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