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  1. Archamoebae, les archéamibes, sont un groupe d'amibozoaires qui se distinguent par l'absence de mitochondrie. Elles comptent parmi elles les genres Entamoeba et Endolimax qui sont des parasites ou commensaux internes des animaux. Quelques espèces sont pathogènes pour les humains, causant des maladies telles que la dysenterie amibienne.

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  4. › referenceworkentry › 10Archamoebae | SpringerLink

    Aug 1, 2017 · General Characteristics. The Archamoebae is a group of amoebae, amoeboid flagellates, and amoeboflagellates (i.e., organisms with both flagellates and amoebae in their life cycle), with distinctive hyaline cytoplasm and bulging pseudopodia (Fig. 1 ).

  5. Oct 31, 2023 · The Amoebozoa include several groups of unicellular amoeba-like organisms that are free-living or parasites that are classified as unikonts. The best known and most well-studied member of this group is the slime mold. Additional members include the Archamoebae, Tubulinea, and Flabellinea.

  6. May 1, 2013 · The archamoebae is comprised of mostly free-living flagellated pelobionts (mastigamoebids and pelomyxids) and endobiotic aflagellate entamoebae. The best known is Entamoeba histolytica, that causes amoebic dysentery of humans.

  7. Jul 1, 2022 · The two well-known long-branch lineages, Archamoebae and Cutosea, were placed in their respective established phylogenetic positions, without removal of fast evolving sites in our full dataset ...

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