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  1. Feb 15, 2023 · Atypical depression is a type of depression in which you experience a temporary boost in mood in response to positive events. Other symptoms specific to atypical depression include increased appetite, hypersomnia and rejection sensitivity. It’s treatable with psychotherapy and antidepressants.

  2. Nov 28, 2022 · Atypical depression is a subtype of major depression or dysthymic disorder that involves several specific symptoms, including increased appetite or weight gain, sleepiness or excessive sleep,...

  3. Jun 15, 2022 · What is atypical depression? Symptoms. Causes. Treatment. Living with atypical depression. Next steps. Compared to other forms of depression, people with atypical depression might feel...

  4. Atypical depression is defined in the DSM -IV as depression that shares many of the typical symptoms of major depressive disorder or dysthymia but is characterized by improved mood in response to positive events.

  5. Mar 31, 2017 · Symptoms. Causes. Diagnosis. Treatment. Coping and Support. Overview. Atypical depression used to be considered a form of depression. The American Psychiatric Association no longer recognizes...

  6. May 7, 2023 · What is Atypical Depression? Symptoms. Diagnosis. Causes. Treatment. Atypical depression is considered a type of depression with a “specifier.” Specifiers are additional symptoms or traits that are included in an umbrella diagnosis under disorders such as clinical depression —also called major depressive disorder.

  7. Dec 21, 2021 · Atypical depression is a subtype of major depressive disorder. It involves many of the same symptoms. However, a person’s mood may improve when circumstances change. Atypical depression...

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