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  1. Mar 17, 2021 · Axios is an open source library that allows you to make HTTP requests. It provides methods that include .get(), .post(), and .delete(). In this article, you will build a JavaScript application that uses Axios to perform GET, POST, and DELETE requests to a server for updates to a list of todo items.

  2. Axios API. The Axios API Reference. Requests can be made by passing the relevant config to axios. axios(config) // Send a POST request axios ({method: 'post', url: '/user/12345', data: {firstName: 'Fred', lastName: 'Flintstone'}});

  3. Nov 29, 2023 · Axios is a client HTTP API based on the XMLHttpRequest interface provided by browsers. In this tutorial, we’ll demonstrate how to make HTTP requests using Axios with clear examples, including how to make an Axios POST request with, how to send multiple requests simultaneously with Promise.all, and much more.

  4. Jun 8, 2018 · Axios is a popular, promise-based HTTP client that sports an easy-to-use API and can be used in both the browser and Node.js. Making HTTP requests to fetch or save data is one of the most common...

  5. How to perform POST requests with Axios. Performing a POST request. JSON.'/user',{ firstName:'Fred', lastName:'Flintstone'}).then(function(response){console.log(response);}).catch(function(error){console.log(error);}); Performing multiple concurrent requests.

  6. Code of conduct. Activity. Custom properties. 136 stars. 10 watching. 133 forks. Report repository. Releases. No releases published. Packages. No packages published. Contributors 48. + 34 contributors. Languages. JavaScript 63.9% EJS 19.4% SCSS 16.7% Official documentation for the axios HTTP library.

  7. May 11, 2019 · May 11, 2019. In this article 👇. Axios is an open-source library for making asynchronous HTTP requests to REST endpoints in the browser and Node.js. It is a promise-based HTTP client that can be used in plain JavaScript and in modern JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular and Vue.js, etc.

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