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  1. Equip communities with essential life skills: Discover interactive, online financial literacy classes designed for teachers, parents, and financial institutions.

  2. Dec 15, 2023 · Financial literacy is knowing what finances are and how to spend, save, and manage money effectively. But it’s not a light switch—you don’t flip the switch and be done with it. Mismanaging finances can lead to big consequences, and it’s not fun to confront that possibility.

  3. Take Control of Your Money. WaFd Bank has partnered with Banzai to bring you clear, in-depth lessons that help you dive into the financial topics you care most about.

  4. Dec 14, 2023 · Financial literacy includes many different financial skills and concepts; to be financially literate simply means having the know-how to make wise decisions with your personal finances—like managing a budget, borrowing money, paying for insurance, and saving for retirement.

  5. Dec 5, 2016 · Designed for high school and college students, Banzai uses real world examples and interactive games to allow kids to work through adult financial dilemmas to demonstrate financial responsibilities and costs that they will face in the future.

  6. A Financial Literacy Program! Altra Federal Credit Union is proud to bring this program to you and your family for FREE! Banzai will immerse you in a game-like atmosphere while you make financial choices and see the outcome—all in a fun, safe environment. All Banzai programs teach you to save, manage, and spend money wisely.

  7. Banzai financial literacy courses are perfect for young adults. With free online activities, pdfs, & more, high school students can master finances. (Ages 16+)

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