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  1. We pledge allegiance to our great Black brothers who died for us, that we will study together, learn together, and walk together in their footsteps. There are no graves, no vaults, and no stones that can hold back their greatness.

  2. A speech by Shirley Williams, a member of the Black Panther Party, that outlines the values and goals of the group for black children in 1968. The pledge includes elements of self-defense, education, fitness, cooperation, and community solidarity.

  3. In contrast, this poem laments the loss of tradition, values, and spirituality, attributing these declines to the abandonment of ancestral practices and beliefs. It reflects the growing social and economic challenges faced by the black community in the post-Civil Rights era and the sense of urgency and accountability felt by its leaders.

  4. Jan 16, 2002 · We pledge allegiance of the red, black and green. Our flag, the symbol of our eternal struggle, and to the land we must obtain. One nation of Black people, with one God for us all, Totally united in the struggle for Black Love, Black Freedom, and Black determination. Archive ID: 1016890.

    • Summary
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    • Poetic Devices & Figurative Language
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    “The Black Family Pledge” presents a number of reasons due to which black people are now facing challenges. The present generation is struggling due to their parents’ forgetfulness of their past. They have lost their appreciation for their ancestors’ contribution. Above all, they are now sowing the seed of hatred for each other, rejecting the exqui...

    The title of the poem points to the undertaking (a form of oath) that all the black families have to take in order to make their children’s lives better. For the most part of this poem, Angelou gives reasons for the problems of the present generation. The main reason of them concerns their forgetfulness of the past and the lack of respect for their...

    Maya Angelou’s “The Black Family Pledge” consists of 22 lines grouped into nine stanzas. The first six stanzas are written in the cause of effect format. For example, in the first stanza, Angelou talks about the lack of gratitude in the present generation that is caused by their parents’ forgetfulness of the past. After providing this list of losse...

    Angelou uses the following poetic devices to make her idea more effective on readers. 1. Repetition:Angelou uses the repetition of the word “BECAUSE” at the beginning of the first six stanzas in order to emphasize her points. She also repeats the phrase “we have” in consecutive stanzas. 2. Metaphor:In the second stanza “perilous undergrowth” is a m...

    Lines 1-7

    Maya Angelou begins “The Black Family Pledge” by providing a list of causes and their effects concerning the attitude of blacks in modern times. In the first stanza, she talks about how they have forgotten the role of their ancestors. As they have forgotten about their past, their children follow the same path. They do not honor their parents or their ancestors who selflessly fought for their future generations. This ungrateful attitude is referred to again in the following stanza. According...

    Lines 8-15

    In the fourth stanza of the poem, Angelou talks about the “old wails” of their ancestors. It stands for the suffering of those who fought for the emancipation of the community from the shackles of slavery, inequality, and subjugation. The present-day adults have forgotten about black history. Thus they are automatically detached from their ancestors at an emotional level. This emotional detachment is reflected in their children. Now, they cannot hear their parents crying. According to Angelou...

    Lines 16-22

    After uttering this long list of causes and effects, finally, Angelou feels it is time to hark the universal oath. She has highlighted the present scenario of the world in order to make her pledge sound more forceful. The pledge is to bind to one another. It means filling the gaps by holding each others’ hands like a human chain. They have to pledge to embrace the lowliest of all. The loneliest in the world should be given company and the warmth of friendship. Not only that, they have to educ...

    “The Black Family Pledge” was written in 2005. Maya Angelou was respected as a spokesperson for the Black people. Her works are considered as a defense of Black culture. However, in this poem, Angelou does not defend the blacks. Rather she holds their nuances openly to the world by counting their faults one by one. It is important to note that she ...

  5. Nov 3, 2017 · The roots of the pledge shed light on the continued necessity of protests today that powerfully link the history of race and violence with nonnegotiable citizenship and full belonging.

  6. The Pledge of Allegiance was written in August 1892 by the socialist minister Francis Bellamy (1855-1931). It was originally published in The Youth's Companion on September 8, 1892. Bellamy had hoped that the pledge would be used by citizens in any country.

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