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  2. Nov 8, 2021 · In this spreadsheet, we'll click the C2 cell where we want to display the age in months. In the C2 cell, we'll type the following function. The "M" argument here tells the function to display the result in months. =DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"M") Press Enter and you'll see the age in months in the C2 cell.

  3. Select D2 and enter the following formula into the cell: =TEXT(DATE(YEAR(B2)+C2,MONTH(B2),DAY(B2)),"mm-dd-yyyy") Hit Enter to get the date when your friend will turn 75. In the above formula, B2 represents the start date or DOB and C2 represents the age of a person or the span of a project in years.

    • Formulas to Calculate Age in Excel. In Excel, you may calculate the age in a number of ways. It is up to your choice and requirements that which way to use it.
    • Using the DATEDIF function for getting the age in Years. The first example uses the DATEDIF function for calculating the age based on a given date of birth and the current date.
    • Calculating the month and year example by DATEDIF. The following example displays the months along with years from DOB. The age month/year formula: =DATEDIF(A4,TODAY(),"y") &" Years / "&DATEDIF(A4,TODAY(),"YM") &" Month(s)"
    • Getting days by DATEDIF along with Year/Months. The formula below shows calculating the days as well in addition to months and years. Age formula for Year/Month and Days
  4. Jun 3, 2002 · =(YEAR(NOW())-YEAR(A3))*12+MONTH(NOW())-MONTH(A3) The number of months between A3 and the current date. This example uses the YEAR function, NOW function, and MONTH function. If this cell doesn't display as a number, ensure that it is formatted as a number or General. Learn how to format a cell as a number or date. =NETWORKDAYS(A3,A2,A3:A5)

    • Calculating Age in Excel With the DATEDIF function. The DATEDIF function does exactly what the name suggests. It calculates the DATE+DIF (where DIF may be inferred as DIFFERENCE) and gives us the output in our preferred unit.
    • Age as on a Given Date in the Past. We can also tweak the DATEDIF function slightly and find out David's age as on any specific date. For this, we'll use the DATE function instead of the TODAY function and nest it in the DATEDIF function's end_date argument.
    • Age as on a Given Date in the Future. This exercise has inspired David's curious side. He was hoping to get busy with some financial planning. He has set a few financial goals for himself and wishes to compute his age at a future date to compute his taxability and maturities for investments.
    • Using YEARFRAC function to Calculate Age in Years. Before we begin working on this, note that DATDIF is generally a more preferable way to compute age. It's possible to compute age using the YEARFRAC function as well, but it allows us to compute the age only in terms of years.
  5. Mar 20, 2023 · The calculator uses the following formulas to compute age based on the date of birth in cell A3 and today's date. Formula in B5 calculates age in years, months, and days: =DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"Y") & " Years, " & DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"YM") & " Months, " & DATEDIF(B2,TODAY(),"MD") & " Days".

  6. Calculate age in accumulated years, months, and days. You can also calculate age or someone’s time of service. The result can be something like “2 years, 4 months, 5 days.” 1. Use DATEDIF to find the total years. In this example, the start date is in cell D17, and the end date is in E17.

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