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  1. Camp Cast Iron Cooking - Yahoo Recipe Search

    Camping Dutch Oven Maple-Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal 
    Food Network
    There are few things to look forward to more than a hearty breakfast cooked over a campfire. This baked oatmeal is lightly sweet, packed with walnuts and apple and is quick and easy to put together. You can mix together all the dry ingredients in a container before you hit the road to make this even faster to get going in the morning. A cast-iron camping Dutch oven holds the heat well; you’ll just need to keep an eye on the pot and move it occasionally to ensure an even bake.
    Easy Impossible™ Chili with Lime Crema
    This recipe calls for the use of “a heavy pot.” If you don’t have one already, it’s time for you to seriously consider getting a Dutch oven. Why? Well, you can ride a motorcycle or you can ride a Harley. You can drive a car or you can drive a big old nasty Mercedes. A Dutch oven is the definition of “a heavy pot.” And you’ll really want one for this Impossible Chili recipe. Remember those old westerns where the camp cook was making chili over an open flame with a big heavy pot hanging about the fire? Yeah, that pot was a Dutch oven. These workhorse pots are made from cast iron and will probably outlive you. We have a friend who is using her late grandmother’s cast iron pot that was a wedding gift in the Great Depression. The two objections people usually raise to cast iron are weight and cleaning them. Cast iron pots and skillets are heavy, no two ways about it. It’s what makes them so durable and such excellent performers in the kitchen. They also retain heat better than regular cookware, so you’ll want to monitor your burner level. As far as cleaning them, don’t worry about being too careful. Renowned cast iron manufacturer Lodge recommends a mild dish soap and a pot scrubber rubbed gently to clean them. DO NOT put them in the dishwasher. The Impossible™ Burger here will be flavored with a tangy spice mixture. We recommend organizing and mixing your spices in a separate bowl first so you can keep track of which spices you’ve added and which must be added next. The Lime Crema is delicious and quite easy to make. Just mix some sour cream with lime zest and fresh-squeezed lime juice; sounds fancy and exotic, but very simple to make. By Impossible Foods Chef J. Michael Melton.
    Campfire Cinnamon Rolls
    Plan to make these Campfire Cinnamon Rolls on your next family camping trip. If you're not sure how to make cinnamon rolls over a campfire, simply place Pillsbury™ Cinnamon Rolls in a cast-iron skillet, then cook them to perfection over a fire. We guarantee these camping cinnamon rolls will be a new family favorite!