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  1. Candidate of Medicine (Latin: candidatus medicinae (male), candidata medicinae (female), abbreviated cand. med.) is an academic degree awarded in Denmark, Iceland, and Norway following a six-year medical school education.

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    Candidatus medicinæ (male), Candidata medicinæ (female), abbreviated cand. med. is a academic degree awarded in Denmark and Norway following a six year medical school education. The education is offered at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology , University of Bergen , University of Oslo and University of Tromsø .

  3. A Candidate of Veterinary Medicine (Latin: Candidatus/candidata medicinae veterinariae; abbreviated as is an academic degree awarded in Scandinavian countries following a 5.5 to 6-year veterinary medical school education.

  4. However, the cand. med. degree must not be confused with the previous Danish and Norwegian Dr. Med. degree, which is a separate degree from the Ph.D. and represents a higher degree of medical research experience. It typically consists of at least 5–6 original publications.

  5. Studierende können sich dabei generell mit stud. ( studiosus) und der lateinischen Abkürzung der jeweiligen Fachrichtung bezeichnen. Die seit dem Mittelalter so verwendete Bezeichnung studiosus leitet sich ab von studium im Sinne einer wissenschaftlichen Beschäftigung an einer Universität . Ab der Zwischenprüfung oder dem Beginn der ...

  6. cand. med. candidatus medicinae: Candidatus der Medizin bezeichnet Studierende nach der 1. ärztlichen Prüfung (Physikum). Auch dieser Titel wird nur hochschulintern benutzt.

  7. Candidatus/candidata (forkortet cand.) var første ledd i akademiske grader og titler for personer med eksamen fra universiteter og høyskoler i Norge.Gradsbetegnelsene er fra 2003 erstattet av bachelor og master, med unntak av gradene for profesjonsstudiene i medisin, veterinærmedisin, psykologi og teologi.

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