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  1. The Santiago de Compostela Botafumeiro is the largest censer in the world, weighing 80 kg (180 lb) and measuring 1.60 m (5.2 ft) in height. It is normally on exhibition in the library of the cathedral, but during certain important religious holidays it is attached to the pulley mechanism, filled with 40 kg (88 lb) of charcoal and incense.

    • 1211
  2. Cette cathédrale n’est pas la seule cathédrale Saint-Jacques . La cathédrale de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle, en espagnol Catedral de Santiago de Compostela, située dans le centre historique de la ville de Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle ( Galice ), est le but de l'un des plus grands pèlerinages de l' Europe médiévale.

  3. Die Kathedrale von Santiago de Compostela in Spanien ist eine Kathedralkirche des Erzbistums Santiago de Compostela. Sie steht über einer Grabstätte, die dem Apostel Jakobus zugeschrieben wird, und ist Ziel des Jakobsweges. Durch die bischöfliche und päpstliche Anerkennung der aufgefundenen Gebeine als Reliquien des Jakobus gilt die ...

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  5. La basilica cattedrale metropolitana di San Giacomo di Compostela (in galiziano e spagnolo: Catedral basílica metropolitana de Santiago de Compostela ), o più semplicemente cattedrale di San Giacomo di Compostela, è la chiesa madre dell' arcidiocesi di Santiago di Compostela, basilica minore [1] e uno dei massimi santuari cattolici del mondo ...

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  7. Central Arch with tympanum and columns. The Portico of Glory ( Galician: Pórtico da Gloria) of Santiago de Compostela Cathedral is a Romanesque portico and the cathedral's main gate created by Master Mateo and his workshop, on the orders of King Ferdinand II of León. The king donated to Mateo one hundred maravedís annually between 1168 and 1188.

  8. The Santiago de Compostela Arch cathedral Basilica is part of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Santiago de Compostela and is an integral component of the Santiago de Compostela World Heritage Site in Galicia, Spain. The cathedral is the reputed burial place of Saint James the Great, one of the apostles of Jesus Christ. It is also among the remaining churches in the world built over the tomb of ...