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  1. When a seizure stops, people may have a headache, sore muscles, unusual sensations, confusion, and profound fatigue. These after-effects are called the postictal state. In some people, one side of the body is weak after a seizure, and the weakness lasts longer than the seizure (a disorder called Todd paralysis).

  2. Apr 12, 2024 · Differentiating Signs/Symptoms. Afebrile infant, with an apneic attack, cyanosis, loss of consciousness, and short generalized episodes of jerking of extremities after a crying spell. The breath is held in expiration. Onset is 6 to 18 months of age, similar to that of febrile seizures.

  3. Febrile seizures happen in in 3 or 4 out of every 100 children. They can occur between 6 months and 5 years of age, but most often around 12 to 18 months old. A febrile seizure usually occurs during the first few hours of a fever. While they are most common with fevers of 102°F (38.9°C) or above, they can also happen with milder fevers.

  4. Feb 22, 2018 · Febrile seizure or fever fit is a response of child’s brain to fever; this response usually comes on the very first day of fever. Know the causes, symptoms, treatment, prognosis, prevention of febrile seizures or fever fit.

  5. Jul 16, 2018 · Introduction. Febrile seizures are generally defined as seizures occurring in children typically 6 months to 5 years of age in association with a fever greater than 38°C (100.4°F), who do not have evidence of an intracranial cause (e.g. infection, head trauma, and epilepsy), another definable cause of seizure (e.g. electrolyte imbalance, hypoglycemia, drug use, or drug withdrawal), or a ...

  6. Sep 14, 2023 · Febrile convulsions are a type of seizure that can happen when a child, between the ages of 6 months and 6 years, has a high temperature (fever). During a febrile convulsion your child will not be conscious and will not respond to you. A febrile convulsion lasts anything from seconds to about five minutes.

  7. Jul 27, 2021 · Symptoms can include collapsing, jerking, stiffening, muscle twitching, loss of consciousness, drooling, chomping, tongue chewing, or foaming at the mouth. Dogs can fall to the side and make ...

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