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  1. Jan 13, 2020 · Nevertheless, the majority of Saudi medical students think that the quality of their sleep is good.[18,19] Multiple local data sources have also suggested high stress levels in medical students.[18,20,21] The current study aims to assess sleep quality and psychological stress in medical students in their preclinical years and investigate the ...

  2. May 22, 2021 · Studies have shown that students who experience higher levels of financial stress are more likely to discontinue their schooling than more financially secure peers. 15,16 In addition, data from the National College Health Assessment indicate that almost a quarter of students (24%) reported that finances negatively impacted performance in a ...

  3. Mar 14, 2016 · The results obtained show the different factors that cause stress among students. The factors were grouped into four, namely Relationship factors, Environmental fac-tors, Academic factors , and Personal factors. With respect to R elationship factors , working with new people was the main cause of stress for students in both groups.

  4. Feb 16, 2024 · While the discussion on generative artificial intelligence, such as ChatGPT, is making waves in academia and the popular press, there is a need for more insight into the use of ChatGPT among students and the potential harmful or beneficial consequences associated with its usage. Using samples from two studies, the current research examined the causes and consequences of ChatGPT usage among ...

  5. Jul 30, 2015 · Workload and test difficulty and exam format. In a number of studies, authors found that the most frequently reported factors contributing to stress and anxiety around the examination periods were extensive course loads, lack of physical exercise, and long duration of exams, reported by the students (Harikiran et al., 2012; Hashmat et al., 2008; Sansgiry and Sail, 2006; Shah et al., 2010).

  6. information needed. In this study, 288 students were selected as sample. Factor Analysis To investigate the factors that cause stress among students in university, factor analysis method has been adopted. These factor analysis methods used to describe whether there is correlated of variable based on the factors that have been observed or ...

  7. Aug 14, 2023 · And emotional stress was among the top reasons students considered dropping out of college in the fall 2022 semester, according to findings in the State of Higher Education 2023 report, based on a ...

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