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  1. 2 days ago · Charlemagne is universally acknowledged as the father of the *concept* of a restored Roman Imperium in western Europe. He reluctantly allowed himself to be crowned "Emperor" by Pope Leo III on Christmas Day. What year did this happen? Hint

  2. Aug 30, 2024 · By the pax Nikephori (803) Nikiphoros I recognized Charlemagne as Emperor (basileus). John I Tzimiskes recognized Otto I as Emperor and sent his niece Theophano to marry Otto's heir Otto II (972).

  3. Sep 9, 2024 · In this Otto I, who succeeded to the East Frankish throne in 936, was the true heir of Charlemagne; he made churchmen his ministers and established missionary bishoprics on the Elbe River to spread Christianity among the Wends.

  4. 2 days ago · Eager to restore the Empire to the position it had occupied under Charlemagne and Otto I the Great, the new king saw clearly that the restoration of order in Germany was a necessary preliminary to the enforcement of the imperial rights in Italy.

  5. 4 days ago · Inheriting the traditions of both the Western and Eastern empires, the third Otto sought to revive the Christian Roman empire of Charlemagne and Constantine and planned a great capital in Rome.

  6. Aug 30, 2024 · Otto the Great reunited most of the lands of Charlemagne’s empire, which had been divided and given to Charlemagne’s sons. Otto’s being crowned emperor marked the beginning of a succession of emperors that would continue unbroken for over eight centuries.

  7. Sep 2, 2024 · This time the appeal came from the Pope himself, John XII; the path to Rome was now open, and the goal of Otto’s ambition—the imperial. crown—awaited him there. The appeal came in 9C0, and there could be no doubt as to his response. But first measures must be taken for the security of his kingdom.

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