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  1. Charles I of Baden (1427 – 24 February 1475, Pforzheim) was a Margrave of Baden-Baden during 1454–1475. [citation needed] Charles was the elder son of Jacob, Margrave of Baden-Baden, and his wife Catherine, daughter of Charles II, Duke of Lorraine.

  2. Charles I of Baden (1427 – 24 February 1475, Pforzheim) was a Margrave of Baden-Baden during 1454–1475. Charles was the elder son of Jacob, Margrave of Baden-Baden, and his wife Catherine, daughter of Charles II, Duke of Lorraine.

    • Counts in Breisgau
    • Margraves of Baden
    • Margraves of Baden-Baden, 1190–1348
    • Margraves of Baden-Hachberg, 1190–1418
    • Margraves of Baden-Sausenberg, 1290–1503
    • Margraves of Baden-Eberstein, 1291–1353
    • Margraves of Baden-Pforzheim, 1291–1361
    • Margraves of Baden-Baden, 1348–1588
    • Margraves of Baden-Durlach, 1515–1771
    Berthold I before 962–982
    Berthold II 982–1005/06
    Berthold III 1005/06–1024
    Berthold I 1024–1073
    Hermann II 1073–1130
    Hermann III 1130–1160
    Hermann IV 1160–1190 Baden divided, into Baden-Baden and Baden-Hachberg 1190–1771
    Hermann V 1190–1243
    Hermann VI 1243–1250
    Frederick I and Rudolf I 1250–1268
    Rudolf I 1268–1288
    Henry I 1190–1231
    Henry II 1231–1290
    Henry III 1290–1330
    Henry IV 1330–1369
    Rudolf I 1290–1313
    Henry, Rudolf II, and Otto 1313–1318
    Rudolf II and Otto 1318–1352
    Otto and Rudolf III 1352–1384
    Frederick II 1291–1333
    Herman IX 1333–1353
    Rudolf IV and Herman VIII 1291–1300
    Rudolf IV 1300–1348
    Rudolf V 1348–1361
    Frederick III 1348–1353
    Rudolf VI 1353–1372
    Bernard I 1372–1431, at first jointly with
    Rudolf VII 1372–1391
  3. The Margraviate of Baden-Baden was an early modern southwest German territory within the Holy Roman Empire. It was created in 1535 along with the Margraviate of Baden-Durlach as a result of the division of the Margraviate of Baden.

  4. Charles I of Baden (d. 24 February 1475, Pforzheim) was a Margrave of Baden-Baden during 1454-1475. Charles was the elder son of Jacob, Margrave of Baden-Baden and his wife Catherine, daughter of Charles II, Duke of Lorraine .

  5. Charles was the elder son of Jacob, Margrave of Baden-Baden, and his wife Catherine, [1] daughter of Charles II, Duke of Lorraine. In 1462 he became involved in the Bavarian War (1459–63) against Frederick I, Elector Palatine. [2] This war finished in the same year with Charles's defeat and capture at the Battle of Seckenheim in 1462. [2]

  6. The Margraviate of Baden (German: Markgrafschaft Baden) was a historical territory of the Holy Roman Empire. Spread along the right banks of the Upper Rhine in south-western Germany, it was named a margraviate in 1112 and existed until 1535, when it was split into the two margraviates of Baden-Durlach and Baden-Baden.

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