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  1. There’s no question that those in the Church of Christ share many beliefs with traditional, historic Protestant Christians… but there are some distinctives that separate them. That makes them a cult of Christianity in a technical sense, but that should not be considered a negative without addressing their actual beliefs.

  2. The Church of Christ is one of several Christian denominations to arise from the American Reformation Movement of the 19th century. They practice strict biblical adherence and follow traditions of the early Christian church. Discover 10 things to know about the Church of Christ history and beliefs!

  3. ‘This is a cult’: inside the shocking story of a religious weight-loss group. In a strange new docuseries, the dark world of the Remnant Fellowship and its ‘pray yourself thin’ leader Gwen...

  4. Such dogmatism on a clearly non-essential issue is often the mark of a cult, not the mark of a good biblical church. A second issue is the fact that some in the Church of Christ claim to be “the one true church,” outside of which there is no salvation.

  5. The Churches of Christ, also commonly known as the Church of Christ, is a loose association of autonomous Christian congregations located around the world. Typically, their distinguishing beliefs are that of the necessity of baptism for salvation and the prohibition of musical instruments in worship.

  6. The church of Christ is here defined as the group of all Christians. The seriousness of the cult charge stems from the fact that cults are destructive, harmful, deceptive, and inherently false religions. Moreover, such a charge indicts not only the individual Christian on whom the accusation is thrown, but also all Christians everywhere.

  7. Roland and her attorney, Bobby Samini, have filed a series of lawsuits against the International Churches of Christ – abbreviated as ICOC – which allege that its leaders failed to report as...

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