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  1. Chế độ quân chủ hỗn hợp hay Nhà nước hỗn hợp (tiếng Anh: Composite Monarchy or Composite State) là một khái niệm lịch sử chính trị, được nhà sử học Helmut Koenigsberger đưa ra vào năm 1975 và được phổ biến bởi nhà sử học John H. Elliott, nó mô tả các nhà nước quân chủ ...

  2. A composite monarchy (or composite state) is a historical category, introduced by H. G. Koenigsberger in 1975 and popularised by Sir John H. Elliott, that describes early modern states consisting of several countries under one ruler, sometimes designated as a personal union, who governs his territories as if they were separate kingdoms, in ...

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  4. A EUROPE OF COMPOSITE MONARCHIES*. The concept of Europe implies unity. The reality of. especially as it has developed over the past five hundred years so, reveals a marked degree of disunity, deriving from the lishment of what has come to be regarded as the characteristic feature of European political organization as against that of ...

  5. During Vietnam's monarchial period, the Vietnamese nobility (quý tộc) were classified into eleven ranks (tước vị), with names similar to their Chinese equivalent. These are listed here from the highest to the lowest, along with their equivalent European titles.

  6. ABSTRACT. All multiple kingdoms are composite monarchies, but not all composite monarchies are multiple kingdoms. The confusion between the two seems to have been perpetrated by James VI and I, in his speech to the English Parliament in 1607.

  7. A composite monarchy (or composite state) is a historical category, introduced by H. G. Koenigsberger in 1975 and popularised by Sir John H. Elliott, that describes early modern states consisting of several countries under one ruler, sometimes designated as a personal union, who governs his territories as if they were separate kingdoms, in accor...

  8. Aug 31, 2023 · composite monarchy (plural composite monarchies) ( politics , historical ) A type of monarchy, common in Europe during the early modern period, in which a single ruler governed several territories as if they were separate kingdoms, each with its own local traditions and legal structures.

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