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  1. Latinos névformában Konfuciusz (eredeti latinos formában: Confucius), kínaiul: 孔夫子; pin-jin (pinyin) hangsúlyjelekkel: Kǒng Fūzi, "Kong mester"; vagy 孔子, azaz Kǒngzi; ezt magyarosítva: Kung Fu-ce ill. Kung-ce) a történelem legjelentősebb filozófusainak egyike.

  2. Staty i Peking. Konfucius var konfucianismens trolige grundare. Det svenska namnet kommer från latinets Confucius, som är en av jesuiter uttänkt latinisering av kinesiskans 孔夫子 (Kǒngfūzǐ, K'ung Fu-tzu eller Kon-fu-tze) med betydelsen 'Mästaren Kong'. [1]

  3. The first Confucius Institute in France was created on the campus in 2005 with the cooperation of Nanchang University and Jiujiang University. [2] After having managed its payroll and budget since January 1, 2010, the University of Poitiers is the third university in France to have its premises. In late 2011 the university changed its logo. [3]

  4. On 24 September 2013, France's University of Lyon closed their Confucius Institute at Lumière University Lyon 2 and Jean Moulin University Lyon 3, which had been established in 2009. Gregory B. Lee , board chair of the CI said its director was "taking his instructions directly from Beijing" and "questioned the content of our courses."

  5. Une seconde mondialisation après celle des jésuites est véhiculée après la Seconde Guerre mondiale par le sinologue James Legge ou le philosophe pragmatiste Herbert Fingarette (en) (auteur de Confucius, The Secular as Sacred, « Confucius, le séculier en tant que sacré », paru en 1972) [10], voire, en France, par René Etiemble ...

  6. The Criticize Lin (Biao), Criticize Confucius Campaign (simplified Chinese: 批林批孔运动; traditional Chinese: 批林批孔運動; pinyin: pī lín pī kǒng yùndòng; also called the Anti-Lin Biao, Anti-Confucius campaign) was a political and intellectual campaign started by Mao Zedong and his wife, Jiang Qing, the leader of the Gang of ...

  7. › wiki › ConfuciusConfuciusWikipedia

    Confucius (en chinoués: 孔子; en pinyin: Kǒng zǐ; en fourme dé Wade, ch'est : K'ung-tzu) naqùit en 551 av. J.-C., et mort en 479 d'apraès). Il 'tait ieun des philosophes et d's éducateus les pus fanmeus de la Chène .

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