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  1. Cooking Gas Components - Yahoo Recipe Search

    One Pot Chicken Stew with Mushrooms, Beans, Walnut and Sage
    In this delicious stew, walnuts and sage are playing double roles. First I toasted walnuts in olive oil and this step infused it with walnut flavor for all the other components; then I crushed the walnuts and used them as a garnish. I also used dried sage as a seasoning and fresh sage as a garnish. When you look at the recipe, it has pretty many steps, but it’s so very delicious (I already tasted a few times, while writing the recipe), easy and everything is cooked just in one large skillet. It took me about one hour to make the whole dish and would take even less if I could open the wine bottle myself and not wait for my husband, who went to fill our car with gas. All in all it is a very hearty and delicious stew not only for an every day dinner but also for a company.